Franchise opportunities

We're looking for the right partners to roll out the Primary Care Exchange standard of service across the UK.
If you’re enterprising and well-rooted in your location, we’d love to hear from you.

Key features


Recruitment is a challenging issue at the best of times, and what with funding cuts and austerity measures, it’s not been getting any easier. Co-developed by doctors, Primary Care Exchange is different way of approaching the problem – one designed as a virtuous loop for all concerned. By linking local staff and local practices together via a system that both nurtures learning and offers powerful tools to fill vacancies, we’re hoping to create a better ecosystem for all. In return, with fewer expensive layers between employers and job seekers, there’s money freed up to pay for your custodianship, our development work and still at a reduced cost to our members. In short, it’s a system that puts back into our healthcare, and if you’ve yet to see the benefits of that in your area, we’d like you to be a part of it.


Founded in 2010, Applied Healthcare Solutions has already had celebrated career in creating medical software. Our Clinical Guardian and Educational Guardian governance tools are used by care organisations across the UK, tracking hundreds of thousands of cases. Primary Care Exchange is the latest addition to that family, and will continue to grow as we work with new partners and listen to their needs. That’s our bit. What we ask you to bring is the enthusiasm to promote this platform in your local area, because the more people who are in, the better this becomes as a resource.

  • GP locum local groups
  • GP locum chambers
  • Education trusts
  • Clinical Commissioning Groups(CCGs)
  • Social enterprise out of hours providers (locally based)
  • Local Medical Committees
Our default contract divides the proceeds of the Primary Care Exchange serivce into three equal thirds. One third is put into an educational fund to provide training in your franchise area, enriching the talent pool and strengthing our care services. One third comes to us, and is used to pay for adding new features to the service, as well as its maintainance and our development costs. The remaining third is yours, in exchange for moderation and growing the platform in your locality, ensuring that it's the best service it can possibly be.

If you like the sound of that, please enquire further via the form below.
Interested in a franchise opportunity? We'd love to hear from you. Get in touch with us at